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Marion Richardson

Contact Us



Marion Richardson School

Senrab Street


E1 0QF

Tel: 0207 790 1441

Fax: 0207 702 7330

Email: admin@marionrichardson.towerhamlets.sch.uk 


Headteacher: Julia Burns 

Chair of Governors: Mark Owen-Lloyd


Office Staff deal with queries from parents and other members of the public. They will then either respond directly to you or pass your questions on to the most appropriate member of staff, who will then get back to you. 

Ms Dawn Glover

Ms Rahima Begum

Ms Maxine Cox

Our SEND Co-ordinator is Ms Angie Kruger and she can be contacted via the office.

Our Senrab Street site school building is over three floors. Only the ground floor of the building is wheelchair accessible with toilet and changing facilities. Our EYFS site is one floor only. 


A paper copy of the information on the website can be provided free of charge. Please contact the school office on the above number.