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Marion Richardson

Family Homework

Children will bring home our family learning homework for them to work on during each holiday. The family learning homework is a lovely opportunity for you to work alongside your child/children. Please do encourage them to get involved.

In addition, please: read with your child; help them to learn their times tables and/or number bonds; get them involved in everyday tasks like adding up the cost of shopping in the supermarket; ask them to help you to weigh things when you are cooking; chat to them about things that interest them and help them to learn to tell the time.

Thank you for working with us in supporting your child’s learning!

The Family Homework will feature in our newsletter prior to each holiday and it will be posted on your child's Google Classroom. Paper copies are also available from the school office. 

Below are some examples of previous family homework. 

Here is our school's Winter Family Homework and a list of some of the exciting local events taking place.

family learning project global canvas biodiversity the complex web of life 2022.pdf


christmas fun tower hamlets 2022.pdf


Here is our school's October Half Term Family Homework and a list of just some of the exciting events that are taking place locally. 

family learning project plant mash up oct 2022.pdf



october half term fun tower hamlets 2022.pdf


Please see below for previous family homework. There are some lovely ideas about how you can learn together as a family.