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Marion Richardson

Year Two

Hello and welcome to Year 2!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Year 2.

The whole Year 2 team is here to support your child’s learning and development over the course of the year.

The Year Two team are: Ms Fariha Ishrat, Ms Nadini Devi , Ms Natalie Jamieson, Ms Sufia Ahmed, Ms Fatama, Ms Simone and Ms Fahmida.  

There will be lots of exciting learning taking place this year, in all areas of the curriculum. Some of the things your child will be learning in English will be to read and write stories based on traditional tales and to read and write a variety of different types of poetry. They will also work with non-fiction texts, including instructions and reports. In maths they will develop their counting skills; be able to answer calculations both mentally and on paper; measure; and apply different strategies to solve problems. In the afternoons, your child will take part in science, art, history, geography, computing, music, PE, RE and PSHE lessons. A range of exciting trips have been planned throughout the year to support and extend their learning.


Reading is very important. Your child will have regular reading sessions in class, but they would also benefit greatly from further reading at home too. Each child will receive two levelled books and a library book (of their choice) each week. Please make sure that book bags are brought into school each day. Your child will be given a reading diary. Please make sure that you read with your child every day and sign their reading diary each week.  Year 2 will go to the library on Tuesdays. Please ensure your child has their library book on that day.


Each week your child will receive a list of spellings and maths and English homework, which will allow them to consolidate the learning that has taken place in class. Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday.

PE Kit

For indoor PE, children should wear black/dark grey shorts/leggings, and a white T-shirt which can be purchased very cheaply from any local supermarket, or a MRS blue T-shirt.​

Children need to wear trainers or pumps for outdoor PE. Black/grey tracksuit bottoms can also be worn. If the weather is cold, a blue jumper or cardigan can be worn.​

* Children can come to school dressed for PE on their PE days or they can bring their PE kit to change into.

Year 2 will have PE on Mondays and Thursdays. 

Please remember …

  • to tell the office or your child’s teacher if someone other than yourself will be collecting your child at the end of the day
  • to write your child’s name in their coat, uniform and PE kit
  • to ensure that your child brings in a reusable water bottle
  • not to use your mobile phones within school or in the school playground
  • to check the school’s website for the weekly newsletter (paper copies are available in the school office)
  • To download the SchoolPing app- to keep up to date with the latest news 

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the Year Two team at the end of the school day.

Thank you for all your support

The Year 2 Team


Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Welcome to Year Two Meeting 

End of Year Expectations- Year Two