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Marion Richardson

Year Six

Hello and welcome to Year 6!

Our whole Year 6 team is here to support your child’s learning and development this year.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome your child and yourselves to Year 6. The Year 6 team are very keen to get the year started, and would like you to know that we are here to not only support your child’s learning and development in school, but also at home. Therefore, please speak to your child’s teacher about anything you feel you could do at home to assist your child further.

The Year 6 team are as follows: Ms Dipa Masud, Ms Salima Ullah,  Ms Iram Parvez,  Ms Jo, Mr Toslim, Ms Nasima and Ms Bobbie. Our support staff work with groups and work one-to-one with individual children during lessons. Other members of staff will also be running interventions to support the children’s learning.

Year 6 is a very busy year! There will be lots of exciting learning and trips planned this year and, then, towards the end of the academic year, we will be preparing for our end of year production. Year 6 is also a SATs year. KS2 SATs will take place in the week commencing 12th May 2025. We don’t want your child to worry about the SATs but we do want him/her to be prepared. There are a few things you can do to help your child at home and make sure that he/she can achieve his/her absolute best. Please see the sections below.


Your child will have regular reading sessions in class, but they would also benefit greatly from further reading at home too. Each child will take home a class book and library book each week. Please make sure that book bags (with their books inside) are brought into school each day. Your child has been given a Reading Record book (Reading Journal). We expect your child to read for at least 20 minutes every evening and log this in their Reading Record (at the back of their reading journals). Please make sure your child completes at least one reading journal activity at home each week. Both classes will visit the library every Thursday. Please make sure your child has read his/her library book, and returns it as soon as it’s finished.


There are lots of opportunities to include maths skills in everyday life, for example: telling the time; working out totals/change in shops; following recipes. Learning the times tables is very important, as knowing them can make a variety of calculations easier and quicker to solve. There are a number of websites which can help your child with his/her maths skills: BBC Bitesize KS2, Purple Mash and Crickweb.

PE Kit

For indoor PE, children should wear black/dark grey shorts/leggings, and a white T-shirt which can be purchased very cheaply from any local supermarket or a MRS blue T-shirt.​

Children need to wear trainers or pumps for outdoor PE. Black/grey tracksuit bottoms can also be worn. If the weather is cold, a blue jumper or cardigan can be worn.​

* Children can come to school dressed for PE on their PE days or they can bring their PE kit to change into.

We will have our PE sessions on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday afternoons.


English and maths homework will be given out each Friday and needs to be completed by the Friday of the following week. Children should also read a range of texts for about 20 mins a day. Each child has a reading journal and a reading log with a range of reading activities to work through - children should aim to complete at least one entry per week. Children will also be given spellings to practise each week and will be tested on these spellings on Fridays. Children will also be given homework activities to consolidate their learning in class. A secure knowledge of times tables is essential.

Secondary school transfer meeting

There will be a meeting regarding secondary school transfers for the next academic year, where you will be given an information pack to support you with this process. 

Please remember …

  • to tell the office or your child’s teacher if someone other than yourself will be collecting your child at the end of the day
  • to tell the office if your child will be walking home from school alone
  • to write your child’s name in their coat, uniform and PE kit
  • to ensure your child brings in a reusable water bottle each day
  • not to use your mobile phones within school or in the school playground
  • to check the school’s website for the weekly newsletter (paper copies are available in the school office)
  • to download the SchoolPing app- to keep up to date with the latest news 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the Year 6 team at the end of the school day.

Thank you for all your support.

The Year 6 Team

Curriculum Overview 2024-2025 

Welcome to Year Six Meeting

End of Year Expectations- Year Six



Secondary Transfer 

Secondary transfer information can be found by clicking on the links below. 

Parents' Leaflet for Secondary Transfer 2025 admissions

Secondary School Prospectus 2025 

Y7 Entry Banding - Parent Information