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Marion Richardson


At Marion Richardson, PSHE is at the core of what we do and enables our children to become independent, healthy and responsible members of society, as well as developing the “whole child” intellectually, morally and socially.

Through our whole-school approach to PSHE, we believe that outstanding practice in these areas will lead to excellence across the curriculum and beyond in later life.

PSHE is taught weekly across the school, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme from year one to year six. Our PSHE curriculum equips children with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported through a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.

With an ever-changing society, Marion Richardson provides our children with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them and supports them in playing a positive role in contributing to the school and the wider community. We want our children to thrive so that they are ready for their adult lives and life in the twenty-first century.   Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability or needs, to flourish and to become the very best version of themselves they can be. 

 Learning Journeys

  • Learning Journeys detail the overall outcomes for each unit.
  • Learning Journeys detail the small steps that children will take to achieve the overall outcomes for each unit.
  • They show how the unit builds on prior learning
  • They show what children will learn in the future linked to what they are learning now.
  • Learning Journeys are available on the school website – on the year group page or on the subject page
  • They include key vocabulary for the unit
  • They include details of the key content to be covered

If you would like printed copies of any journeys please let us know. 

Year 1

Au.1: Being Me in My World

Au.2: Differences (including anti-bullying)

Sp.1: Dreams and Goals

Sp.2: Healthy Me

Su.1: Relationships

Su.2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

Year 2

Au.2: Being Me in My World

Au.2: Differences (including anti-bullying)

Sp.1: Dreams and Goals

Sp.2: Healthy Me

Su.1: Relationships

Su.2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

Year 3

Au.1: Being Me in My World

Au.2: Differences (including anti-bullying)

Sp.1: Dreams and Goals

Sp.2: Healthy Me

Su.1: Relationships

Su.2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)


Year 4

Au.1: Being Me in My World

Au.2: Differences (including anti-bullying)

Sp.1: Dreams and Goals

Sp.2: Healthy Me

Su.1: Relationships

Su.2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)


Year 5

Au.1: Being Me in My World

Au.2: Differences (including anti-bullying)

Sp.1: Dreams and Goals

Sp.2: Healthy Me

Su.1: Relationships

Su.2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)


Year 6

Au.1: Being Me in My World

Au.2: Differences (including anti-bullying)

Sp.1: Dreams and Goals

Sp.2: Healthy Me

Su.1: Relationships

Su.2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)